Wednesday 9 November 2011

Teen spy

Above is our final edited childrens film opening.

Things we thought we did well:

We experimented with split screening as we thought that it would fit in really well with the spy aspect of
our film. After attempting to split screen the clips both horizontally and vertically we thought that the
finished shot turned out really well and allowed us to fit in more action within the short amount of time we
were given. Another affect which we thought was successful was our match-on-action shot. This featured
the main characters running out of the room and out of the door. This shot made the audience more
involved within the action and created a fast pace which fitted in with the theme. In our film opening we
also included a shot in which the camera zoomed in to a phone message saying "IT'S TIME!" from an
'unknown' sender. We thought this went really well as it created suspense and mystery as to who was
sending the message and what it was they wanted. This very popular in sci-fi films but not so much in
children films. We experimented in adding this to our opening and we thought it paid off as it keeps the
target audience gripped and wanting to know more.

In our filming we made sure that there were no continuity issues. We did this by wearing the same clothes,
using the same location and making sure our props were in the same position throughout each shot. An
example of when we did this would include the split screen shot where the phone is still featured on the
table as it was in the other shots within our opening.

Things we thought we didn't do so well:

On the other hand we have many things which we would do differently if we were do do this again. One
problem we found was that there was an issue with time management as we got towards the end of the
filming process we realised that we didn't have as much time as we wanted for our editing. This made
the process more rushed and therefore, we were unable to put 100% into our editing & we feel this showed.
We also wasted a lot of time re-filming shots as our acting was not up to scratch and this wasted time could
have been spent on valuable editing time.

Due to lack of people in our group we had to compramise with the filming of our opening scene. In our
first shot when the camera pans round from the teacher to the students we had to change camera person
half way in order to allow us to include all our characters within the scene. This caused complications as
it was difficult to film with one camera person when this person was also featured within the shot.

Overall we think that for our first try at a film opening we did very well. We have now learnt a great deal
as to what would work and wouldn't next time and what could be improved.

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